Digital Repository for Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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جمال محمود الاسطى (2015)
كلية الهندسة - جامغة طرابلس, .
Tammam A. Benmusa, MustafaKh. Shater, Momen M. Al-Rawi, Rawad M. Swesi (12-2014)
15th international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering - STA'2014,, , pp. 1032-1037.
Tammam A. Benmusa, Mohamed A. Shlibek, Rawad M. Swesi (9-2014)
International Conference on Mobile Communications and Computing in Business, .
هبه مدحت الزقلعى (2014)
كلية الهندسة - جامغة طرابلس, .
.زينب إبراهيم علي (2014)
كلية الهندسة - جامغة طرابلس, .
Tmmam A. Benmusa, Abdulrauf J. Belgassem, Mohamed A. S. Ibrahim (12-2013)
14th international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering - STA'2013, .
Abdulhafid Seddigh Mohamed Shuwehdi, Sagaya Aurelia, Prof. Omar Giuma Rhoma Mrehel, TejdedaAlhussenAlhadi (5-2013)
IJARCSEE ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 5(2), pp. 502-509.