Bachelor in Religion Principles

Sharia Sciences Faculty - Souq Aljuma - Department of Religion Principles



This program aims for the department to be a leading scientific beacon that excels in the sciences of Islamic Sharia, and the sciences of faith, interpretation and hadith in particular, and to provide the Libyan and Islamic society with superior cadres at a high level of competence and responsibility, capable of highlighting the correct image of Islam, and correcting incorrect concepts, and the advancement of scientific research.

The duration of study in the department is four years, during which the student studies (54) fifty-four courses, with a total of (120) one hundred and twenty credits.


-Graduating cohorts of scholars, preachers, and researchers specialized in the sciences of faith, interpretation, and hadith, who are qualified to confront deviant currents and extremist ideology.

-Preparing teachers specialized in teaching Islamic education to support the Ministry of Education and the fields of calling to God Almighty.

-Highlighting the Islamic heritage and investmen it in a way that serves Islam and Muslims, and links the nation’s past with its present, through moderate and responsible religious discourse.

-Spreading moderate Islamic thought as a contribution to building a cohesive society, belonging to its homeland and nation, in which the spirit of brotherhood, tolerance, and other virtuous Islamic values ​​and morals prevail.


1- Gaining the ability to memorize the Noble Qur’an and knowledge of the sciences of faith.

2- Understanding jurisprudential rulings and legal texts.

3- Understanding the rules of jurisprudence and fundamentalism.

4- View the history of Islamic law and the phases it went through.

5- Acquisition of the skill of deriving Islamic rulings from the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

6- Proficiency in researching the most important heritage books.

7- The ability to understand and distinguish between ancient and contemporary religions.

8- Distinguish between legal rulings according to the understanding of the ancestors of the nation, and wrong and extremist rulings.

9- Mastering the skill of teaching and dealing with students.

10- The ability to debate the violators.

11- Mastering the skill of preaching and counseling.

12- The ability to issue Sharia fatwas verbally and in writing.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Fundamentals of Religion

Entry Reuirements

To be accepted in this department, the following is required:

-To have obtained a general or Sharia secondary school certificate, or their equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authority.

-To have at least a good general grade.

-To pass the entrance exam or the personal interview - as decided by the College Council.

-To be physically able to continue studying at the college.

-If the applicant is a non-Libyan, he is required to reside in Libya for the duration of the study, to pay study expenses and fees according to what is in force in Libyan universities, and to be proficient in the Arabic language.

-To submit the original documents upon admission to study, including: (birthday certificate, certificate of good conduct, certificate of absence of precedents, health certificate, national number).

-Without prejudice to the conditions of study and learning in Libyan universities, and before the beginning of each academic year, the College Council determines the number of students who can be accepted to study there in a way that suits its available capacity.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Religion Principles prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Religion Principles. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 4 Years of study, in which the student will study a total of 124 units, which include 23 units of general subjects, and 30 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CO 102 Principles of jurisprudence (1) 02 Compulsory +

OS 107 Interpretation pedestals 02 Compulsory +

OS 106 Quran Sciences (1) 02 Compulsory +

OS 105 Terminology of alhadith 04 Compulsory +

OS 104 The Jurisprudence (1) 02 Compulsory +

OS 103 Sunna books (1) 02 Compulsory +

OS 102 Islamic faith (1) 04 Compulsory +

OS 101 Interpretation (1) 02 Compulsory +

GS 102 Educational psychology 02 Compulsory +

GS 101 English Language 02 Compulsory +

CO 101 Holy Quran (1) 02 Compulsory +

CO 103 syntax (1) 04 Compulsory +

CO 104 The origins of Arabic writing 02 Compulsory +

2nd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
OS 206 Quran Sciences (2) 02 Compulsory OS 106 +

OS 205 Terminology of alhadith (2) 04 Compulsory OS 105 +

OS 204 Jurisprudence (2) 02 Compulsory OS 104 +

OS 203 Sunnah books (2) 02 Compulsory OS 103 +

OS 202 Islamic faith (2) 04 Compulsory OS 102 +

OS 201 Interpretation (2) 02 Compulsory OS 101 +

CO 201 Holy Quran (2) 02 Compulsory CO 101 +

CO 202 Fundamentals of jurisprudence (2) 02 Compulsory CO 102 +

CO 203 syntax (2) 04 Compulsory CO 103 +

OS 207 Endurance and performance etiquette 02 Compulsory +

OS 208 rhetoric 02 Compulsory +

OS 209 Biography of the Prophet 02 Compulsory +

GS 203 Computer 02 Compulsory +

3rd Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CO 305 inheritances 03 Compulsory CO 103 +

OS 301 Interpretation (3) 02 Compulsory OS 101 +

OS 302 Islamic faith (3) 04 Compulsory OS 102 +

OS 303 Sunnah books (3) 02 Compulsory OS 103 +

OS 304 Jurisprudence (3) 02 Compulsory OS 104 +

OS 305 explainers method 02 Compulsory +

OS 306 manahij almuhdithin 02 Compulsory +

OS 307 The situations of the narrators 02 Compulsory +

GS 304 History of Libya 02 Compulsory +

CO 302 Fundamentals of jurisprudence (3) 02 Compulsory CO 102 +

CO 303 syntax (3) 04 Compulsory CO 103 +

CO 301 Holy Quran (3) 02 Compulsory CO 101 +

CO 304 morphology (1) 02 Compulsory +

4th Year

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CO 401 Holy Quran (4) 02 Compulsory CO 101 +

OS 408 Graduation Project 02 Compulsory +

OS 407 altakhrij 03 Compulsory +

OS 406 Religions and squads 02 Compulsory +

OS 405 contemporary doctrines 02 Compulsory +

OS 404 Jurisprudence (4) 02 Compulsory OS 104 +

OS 403 Sunnah books (4) 02 Compulsory OS 103 +

OS 402 altaqeid aleaqdiu 02 Compulsory +

OS 401 mukhtalif alhadith fi aleaqida 02 Compulsory +

CO 402 Fundamentals of jurisprudence (4) 02 Compulsory CO 103 +

CO 403 syntax (4) 04 Compulsory CO 103 +

CO 404 Morphology (2) 02 Compulsory CO 304 +

GS 405 Research chamber 02 Compulsory +

GS 406 Teaching Methods 02 Compulsory +