8.Tripoli University President welcomes the French Cultural Counselor.

8.Tripoli University President  welcomes the French Cultural Counselor.

On Wednesday morning, the President of  Tripoli University, Dr. Nabeel Al-Natah, met with the French Cultural Counselor at the main meeting hall at the University HQ. The reception was attended by the deputy  for scientific affairs of the university, the vice president of medical colleges and the dean of the Faculty of Medicine. The president welcomed with t His excellence the adviser, and the two parties discussed the Cooperation between the University of Tripoli and the French universities, along with discussing  the  European projects, scholarships , visa problems, cooperation for contemporary Maghreb studies and organizing workshops for faculty members and students, arranging  for conferences and seminars, training of medical staff and nursing in addition to training the cadres belonging to the Faculty of Arts and media to film the monuments and the holding  of  art exhibitions , in the field, both  in Libya and France. The discussion, also,  covered,  opening a special office for the French Institute at the University of Tripoli.
