Issuing a document of scientific research ethics.

Issuing a document of scientific research ethics.

A special ceremony was held on Monday morning at Rashid Ka'bar auditorium , on issuing  a research ethics document for Tripoli University, in the presence of the University President Dr. Nabil Al-Natah, the Minister of Education Dr. Othman Abdel-Galil, the university's deputies, some deans, faculty members and those interested in the ethics of scientific research. This document is the  outcome  of a special committee work that worked for more than 10 months continuously. The University , out of preparing  this document, aims is to raise the quality standards of the University's outputs in the field of scientific research, by raising the efficiency of researchers working under its authority. In this ceremony, many speeches were made in which speakers stressed the importance of scientific research and the need for a document of ethics to organize it, which was achieved by the University of Tripoli through the issuance of this document.
