Law students and professors launch the legal clinic
This morning, April 24, the "Legal Clinic" sessions were launched, which comes as a student community voluntary project . The owners of the project provide legal advice and legal education, free of charge. The first session of the clinic was held in the open air of the courtyard opposite to the building of the presidency of the University of Tripoli.
The project is organized by a group of faculty members and students of advanced years in the Faculty of Law, being part of their practical training and practice of the legal profession. Such training involves providing legal consultation and opinions along with examining lawsuits as being practiced in the labor market. The project, also, aims at getting students of law involved into practical life and enforce the principles of applied Interactive education.
On the sidelines of the first forum of the "clinic", honorary certificates of appreciation were presented to the participants, sponsors and outstanding participants in a previous workshop titled “ Writing lawsuits skills and mechanisms ” conducted in the past few months, which was considered the base for establishing the "Legal Clinic," project opening its doors for students interested in benefitting from the activities and experiences of the pioneers participating in its programs. During the launching of the project, the mid-year schedule of project activities including workshops, legal exhibitions, mock trials and the "Know Your Right" campaign to introduce legal and individual rights.