Bachelor in Journalism

University of Tripoli - Department of Journalism



Department vision:

Excellence in educational programs, services, media consulting and scientific research.

Department message:

Upgrading the level of the media message in a way that is compatible with the civilization of our local society through educational and research programs.


Providing journalism students with the basic concepts and knowledge necessary for the profession of journalism within a framework of international quality to enable them to innovate in decision-making in their practical lives.

Employ educational technology effectively to ensure sustainable intellectual and social development

Provide them with professional development skills and create the principle of lifelong education for them to ensure their performance as journalists and help them build the necessary professional values system that positively affects society

Work on building a comprehensive electronic journalist.

Achieving the optimal qualification of master’s students in the field of media so that they are more able to engage in media work, whether in the cognitive or applied scientific aspects that are compatible with the needs of society in terms of faculty members, researchers, analysts, and practitioners of the profession.



(The ability to remember, retrieve and repeat information without significant change), such as: knowledge of specific facts (specific events, specific dates, characteristics), knowledge of technical terms (verbal and non-verbal symbol meanings), knowledge of conventions accepted for dealing with phenomena or knowledge, knowledge of classifications And categories, knowledge of criteria, knowledge of research methodology and methods, knowledge of generalities and abstractions (principles and generalizations, knowledge of theories and abstract structures).

v Understanding

(The ability to interpret or rephrase the information obtained by the student at the level of knowledge in his own language, including translation, interpretation and conclusion), such as: explanation, clarification, explanation, description, drawing, reference to ......... etc.

.1 -Producing various media materials, read, audio, visual and electronic.

.2 -Explain and understand all the journalistic arts that a journalist needs for the success of his work.

.3 -Learn about sound critical thinking and exchange scientific and societal opinions and ideas.

4 - Realizing the student's communication skills, which enable him to perform his work to the fullest.

5- Learn about media theories and studies.

a. Mental skills

Remember the mental skills that the graduate will write down after successfully completing the program, such as: analysis, the ability to think creatively, identify and solve problems...etc.

 1- The ability to write creative journalism and sound language.

.2 -Increase his sense of journalism through his contribution to the transmission of news of various issues of his society.

.3 - Dealing with different media styles.

 .4 -Analyzing different media contents and interpreting the results.

B. Practical & professional skills

The skills that the student must acquire upon successfully completing the educational program must be included, enabling him to use what he studied in professional applications, for example using some electronic devices and equipment, the ability to diagnose a disease, carry out engineering design, design a computer program, conduct scientific research questionnaires, etc.

.1 Dealing with various journalistic arts to become a comprehensive journalist.

.2- Conducting various media researches and interpreting their results.

.3 -  The ability to use the media programs that the journalist needs in his work, including editing, montage, design, directing, and others.

.4- The ability to use modern media programs.

Dr. Generic and transferable skills

The various general skills or usable skills are included in the fields of work that the student must acquire upon successful completion of the program, so that they can be applied in any field, including: language skills / communication and written and oral communication / using modern technical tools / information and communication technology / dealing with computers Working in a team/ solving problems/ management...etc.

.1-  Dealing with community issues and communicating within a teamwork team.

.2 - Focus on the use of modern technology in the field of media.

.3 - Using writing and diction skills, and the ability to express orally and in writing.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Communication, majoring in Journalism.

Entry Reuirements

      The scientific council of the college determines the number of students who can be accepted according to the capabilities of the college at the beginning of each semester, based on the report submitted to the scientific council by the head of the study and examinations office for the previous semester.

     Those who are accepted to study in the departments of the college to obtain a specialized license certificate (bachelor) in addition to the general conditions stipulated in the regulations of study, examinations and discipline in universities and institutions of higher education, are required to:

1. To have obtained a high school diploma with an average of no less than (65%) sixty-five percent of the total marks in all departments, provided that the prescribed entrance exams are taken.

2. He should be able to pursue studies in his desired major.

3. Performing admission exams according to the privacy of the scientific departments.

4. Students of other non-Libyan nationalities are accepted at their own expense in accordance with what is stipulated in the regulations of study, examinations and discipline, and that the applicant fulfills the other admission conditions, that he resides in habitual residence throughout the period of study, and that he pays the prescribed tuition fees in accordance with the regulations and systems in force in universities, Without prejudice to the rules of reciprocity stipulated in the signed agreements, the student must pass the entrance exam.

6. The various scientific departments of the college determine at the beginning of each semester specialized committees to conduct entrance exams, provided that their members are not less than three members of the teaching staff. The exams are written, oral and practical. The dates of the admission exams are determined by the college registrar’s office and by issuing a decision from the college dean.

7. The college may, after the approval of the concerned department, accept transfer students from other recognized universities, within the limits of the capabilities available to the departments, according to the following conditions:

a. The student should not have been dismissed from the university from which he was transferred for academic or disciplinary reasons.

B. The student wishing to transfer must submit the required documents approved by the competent authorities, provided that they contain the courses he has previously studied, and the vocabulary of these courses at least one month before the start of the semester.

T. The authority to accept some or all of the general courses and specialized courses that the student has previously studied is for the college and the concerned department, provided that the courses equivalent to the student do not exceed half of the courses required for graduation in the concerned department.

w. The transfer student is required to study the courses that were not accepted according to the academic program proposed by the concerned department.

c. The student's general average in his university studies in the college from which he is transferring must not be less than 50%, taking into account the conditions stipulated in Articles Six and Seven.

h. The student's GPA is calculated upon graduation based on the number of units and courses completed in the college.

x. A specialized committee is formed in each department to equalize the academic courses of the transferred students, and it has to broadcast these applications within no more than two weeks from the date of their referral to the concerned department, and the student is not considered an actual transfer unless all the required procedures are completed.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Journalism prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Journalism. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 126 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 51 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS121 02 University requirement +

GS122 Psychology 02 University requirement +

GS123 02 University requirement +

MED121 Public Opinion 02 General +

MED122 Libyan Media 02 General +

MED123 Introduction to Communication 02 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MED234 Introduction to TV & Radio 03 General +

MED233 Introduction to Journalism 03 General +

MED232 PR & Advertising 03 General +

GS224 02 University requirement +

GS225 Islamic Culture 02 University requirement +

MED124 political systems 02 General +

MED225 Media Sociology 02 General +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
JL302 News 03 Compulsory +

Identifying the journalistic news, its importance, the characteristics that must be available, the news, the news values, the characteristics of the news, how to write it, as well as the technical templates of the news and its types, with a historical overview From the beginnings of the emergence of the news.

MED237 Principles of photography 03 General +

MED220 Media Terms 02 General +

MED231 computer software 03 General +

JL301 Journalism & Multimedia 03 Compulsory +

It aims to introduce the establishment and development of electronic journalism, its types, objectives and characteristics, as well as teaching the student the basics of managing content on websites and trying to create an electronic press website.

JL204 Literary criticism 03 Compulsory +

Learn about the basics of literary criticism and its various skills, learn about the characteristics and types of journalistic criticism, and acquire critical journalistic writing skills of all kinds.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MED228 Communication Theories 02 General +

JL311 Reporting 03 Compulsory +

MED320 Management of media institutions 02 General +

JL314 Broadcast press 03 Compulsory +

JL303 Phtography 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the origins, development, foundations and importance of photography, the camera and its parts, types of digital cameras, lenses and shutters and their speeds, photojournalism, photographer’s qualities, elements of press photo, its types and sources, video shooting, types of video clips and video shooting skills. This course includes practical exercises. On photojournalism. Finally, the students make an exhibition of the press photo.

MED331 Motion photography 03 General +

وكالات الأنباء News Agencies 03 Compulsory +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
JL315 specialized press 03 Compulsory +

In this course, the student is introduced to the concept of specialized journalism, its origins, development, types, characteristics, audience, and its technical and editorial foundations. He also studies the emergence, development, functions, types, and characteristics of magazines, while reviewing applied examples of the above, and doing practical exercises on editing some of their types.

MED322 Media and development 02 General +

MED325 Media legislation and ethics 02 General +

JL309 Press article 03 Compulsory +

JL306 The press interview 03 Compulsory +

JL305 Press techniques 03 Compulsory +

CL326M Scientific research methods 02 General +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MED324 Media and persuasion 02 General +

CL427M Aesthetics and criticism 02 General +

MED329 Descriptive statistics 02 General +

MED330 International Media 02 General +

JL313 Advertising 03 Compulsory +

JL312 journalistic investigation 03 Compulsory +

JL307 Output 03 Compulsory +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
JL318 Press campaigns 03 Compulsory +

JL316 Investigative Journalism 03 Compulsory +

JL310 Mobile Journalism 03 Compulsory +

MED421 Media economics 02 General +

MED422 Issues and dialogue 02 General +

MED423 Media research 02 General +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
JL317 Applications in the press 03 Compulsory +

CL499M Graduation Project 03 General +

CL498M Optional Subject 03 Elective +