Department of English Language

Word Of the Head Department of English Language

Speech of the Head of the English Department

    In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best of prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the honest and trustworthy, and upon his family and good companions, and after:

    Language is one of the great signs of God, which no one can deny, except those who make fools of themselves.

    And as  Allah says in the holly Quran after "In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, the Exalted":

(And We did not send a messenger except in the language of his people, that he might make it clear to them. So God gives astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise."

      In this verse, there is an explanation of the different languages ​​and peoples, and that understanding does not happen except by understanding the language of those.

And because man is social by nature and tends to migrate, move, get to know each other, and explore what is around, there have been many ways of teaching, learning, and mechanisms for understanding languages throughout history due to the demand for learning new languages which recently increased.

     With the development of all aspects of life, its urbanization, and its invasion by technology, as is the case with other developed nations, it was necessary to open scientific departments to teach living languages, all around the world and the most important of which is the English language as a universal language.

   The Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, has witnessed, since its inauguration, a large number of students attending it and graduating competencies with and capabilities that have met with success in the Libyan labor market as researchers, translators, writers, and others.

    The responsibility of the leaders who assumed the presidency of the department was great, not only dependent on the administrative tasks, but also the relentless endeavor to improve the educational process in the department following local and international quality standards and its basic pillars (scientific environment, courses, students and the teaching staff members).

     Finally, the Department of English Language - College of Arts is not just a language center, seeking to graduate a student with a specific language level. Rather, as a department, it is keen to graduate competencies capable of mastering the English language with all its skills, which make them able to spread the culture of Arabic society in general and the Libyan one in particular and to translate the language and culture of other peoples from Arabic into English and vice versa.

     Also to Prepare researchers who can follow the development of scientific research in the field of literary studies and translation. And to provide the community with its needs for translators, researchers, writers, critics, media professionals, teaching assistants, and faculty members in the field of the English language.

Peace, mercy, and blessings of God


   The Department of English aspires to be the college's channel for cultural and civilizational communication with different cultures in the corresponding departments of English in local, regional, and international universities. Community service and global representation.

     It looks forward to getting leadership and excellence,  for first:   scientific research in the fields of English literature, comparative and translation studies, and second Community service and global representation.


The department's mission lies in meeting the needs of the Libyan labor market in terms of translators and researchers, who are interested in the field of translation, its studies and sciences, and the field of literary and critical English studies and comparative literature,  that all serve the scientific research and society needs and compatible with quality standards locally, internationally, and globally.


Literature program objectives

1- Providing the community with its needs competencies who are capable of mastering the English language with its theoretical, applied, and communicative linguistic skills.

2- Providing outputs that are compatible with the requirements of the labor market, qualified for employment in :

-literary translation offices.

-working in publishing and printing houses in English.

-Graduating readers who are passionate about reading and researching literature throughout history and translating it with reality, and being inspired by creative writing.

3- Contributing to graduate students who can distinguish, study and translate literary, scientific, media, legal, and religious texts, etc.

4- inforcing a student's courage and improving his/ her creative ability, which leads students to success in media, propaganda, television, and audio programs in English, which enables them to raise various cultural and intellectual societal issues. And preparing them to be able to recite and analyze poetry and other literary aspects.

5- Graduating Eliot of holders of a bachelor’s degree in translation who can join the postgraduate program, whether at home or abroad.

Objectives of the Program for the Translation Division

1- providing the community with its needs competencies who are capable of mastering the English language with all its theoretical, applied, and communicative linguistic skills, and translating it from English into Arabic and vice versa.

2- Preparing graduates with language skills that enable them to speak fluently and eloquently in many and varied situations in English that serve the individual and society, such as interpreters and others.

3- Preparing graduates who can engage in the labor market and employment in translation offices, legal offices, companies, embassies, airlines, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc., and prepare researchers in the field of translation and its sciences and studies that serve their research and studies in scientific research at home and abroad


-Enhancing the culture of scientific research in translation studies and literary studies in the English language.

- Promoting the culture of cultural and civilizational exchange to serve the Libyan society in a way that does not contradict its religious and societal principles. 

-Enhancing teamwork.


Regarding the tasks of the department,  it works on following up the educational process in all its aspects, (students, professors, curricula, and educational structure and environment) whether at the undergraduate level or postgraduate studies (Master).

Also, it is keen  to prepare its outputs to serve the community according to each division's areas of work as follows:

Fields of work for graduates of the Translation Division of the English Language Department:

1-Working in foreign and oil companies.

2- Work in embassies and the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3- Working in the field of interpretation and translation.

4- Work in the field of journalism and media.

5- Working in airlines, airports, tourism companies, hotels, and others.

6- Working in the field of literary writing and linguistic editing.

7- Working as teaching assistants and members of the teaching staff if they finished their postgraduate studies, and got their master's and doctoral degrees.

Fields of work for graduates of the Literature Division of the English Language Department:

1- Working in publishing houses and printing presses in the English language

2- Working in embassies and the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3- Working in the field of literary interpretation and editing.

4- Working in the field of English-language journalism, media, and audio-visual broadcasting.

5- Working in the field of literary writing, editing, proofreading and linguistic revision.

6- Working as teaching assistants and members of the teaching staff in local and international universities if they completed their postgraduate studies: master and doctoral degrees.

7- Working as researchers and scholars interested in literary and critical studies in a way that serves scientific research at home and abroad.

Organizational Structure for Department of English Language

Facts about Department of English Language

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



