Bachelor in Nuclear reactor engineering and radiation applications

Faculty of Engineering - Department of Nuclear Engineering



• This program is concerned with studying nuclear reactors from the neutron and thermal aspects, as well as ways to ensure safety during their operation and how to benefit from them by linking them to power plants or water desalination plants.• It is also interested in studying radiological applications in terms of producing radioactive isotopes and how to benefit from them in various specializations, such as medical applications in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors, food safety control, oil exploration, quality control in oil fields, and others.


Providing students of the department with the basics of knowledge in the field of nuclear engineering. - Improving students' professional abilities in the direction of analytical and creative thinking. - Preparing the graduates of the department as well-qualified nuclear engineers that suit the responsibilities that await them in the workplace through a deep understanding of their future role in implementing the development plan. - Permanent and renewed development of the study plan to ensure keeping pace with the rapid and successive changes in this field. - Focusing on scientific research and its essential role in serving the community and solving its problems, and encouraging faculty members and students to take this aspect into account. - Add a touch of practical experience, experimental methods, use of computer technologies, writing research and technical reports, and communication and communication skills with others.


• Understanding of mathematical and physical foundations and commitment to professional ethics.• Apply the knowledge obtained by the student in mathematics and engineering sciences.• Dealing with the engineering problems facing him in his field of specialization and finding solutions to them.• Work within the work team.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Nuclear Engineering

Entry Reuirements

The student wishing to join the bachelor's program in the department must study at least two semesters in the general stage and his cumulative average is more than 50%, and the student must complete the following courses:

physics 2

 Math 2

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Nuclear reactor engineering and radiation applications prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Nuclear reactor engineering and radiation applications. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 10 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 148 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE121 Engineering Mechanics 03 General +

Statics of particles; forces in plane and spree; statics of rigid bodies : Equivalent system of forces; equilibrium in two and three dimensions, work and energy, analysis of trusses, frames, and machines, free body diagram; kinematic; stability friction, centroids and center of gravity-lines, area and volumes. Moment of inertia of areas and masses.

GH141 Mathematics I 03 University requirement +

The main objective of this course (English I) is to encourage the leaners to acquire the English language skills they need to pursue their specialized courses in different Departments of the Faculty. In order to achieve this purpose, emphasis should be relied upon the formal grammar of the language, reading and writing activities in the classroom and listening comprehension and note-taking practice in the language laboratory. Undoubtedly, this can help the students to express themselves freely while dealing with technical terminology, vocabulary items and structures related to their subject areas. The overall program is a complimentary and prerequisite course for all Engineering Departments (Four hours per week). It covers the following:- Intensive Reading of different passages containing materials the students need to follow their departmental courses (vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions, contextual references, affixation, etc.). •Description of the laboratory experiments. Scientific vocabulary including the use of dictionary, punctuation, word-order, spelling, word- formation, etc. •The study of English verb tenses, active forms and passive constructions. The study of English nouns (kinds, functions, derivation) pronouns, adjectives, articles, adverbial phrases and so forth. •Summary writing.

GH150 Arabic I 02 University requirement +

Review of Arabic courses taken in high school, including construction of Arabic sentence, spelling and punctuation (Part one).

GS115 Chemistry 03 General +

Measurements and SI units; chemical equations and stoichiometry; structures of atoms and periodic relationships, chemical compounds: The gaseous state; solutions-electrolytes and non-electrolytes; acids and bases; thermochemistry; chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibrium I and II; organic chemistry.

GS101 Mathematics I 03 General +

GS111 Physics I 03 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE127 Engineering Drawing 02 General +

Introduction; definitions, conventions. Instrument, dimensioning, some geometrical constructions; e.g., drawing of some polygons, parallel lines, line and arc tangents. Projection; theory, types of projection, one view projection, multi-view projection, first and third angle projection, applications, including missing line views. Sectional vie s; complete section, half section, pant section, removed sections, revolved section, and applications.

GE129 Workshop Technology 02 General +

Industrial safety; engineering materials and their mechanical and physical properties; classifications, ferrous and nonferrous metals, natural and synthetic materials; introduction to manufacturing processes: casting, welding, forging, rolling, extrusion; sheet metal working methods, metal machining.

GS115L Chemistry Lab 01 General +

Some experiments related to GS115 course.

GH142 English II 03 University requirement GH141 +

This program (English II) aims at developing the students' scientific and vocational skills. It is specially designed to introduce the learners to the basic patterns of technical terminology at the introductory stage and thereafter deals with more advanced topics. Thus the students can go further and become creative by way of discussion and various original contributions to the materials. It also offers an opportunity for the learners to evolve their communicative competence and comprehend their departmental contents with a restricted period of time. However, this course tends to give instructions to the learners in a variety of subjects such as:- Intensive Reading of passages (texts) including materials to students' needs with comprehension questions, contextual references, vocabulary exercises and affixation and so forth. The study of scientific and technical vocabulary which involves the use of dictionary, spelling, picking up the meaning form the context, rules of affixation, etc. Description of the laboratory experiments. Revision and study of basic English verb tenses, active and passive voice in scientific technical English. The English noun phrases, relative clauses, deletion of relative relation in active and passive voice. The study of English pronouns, adjectives, adverbial phrases, etc. Summary Writing.

GH151 Arabic Language II 01 University requirement GH150 +

Review of Arabic courses taken in high school, including construction of Arabic sentence, spelling and punctuation (Part two).Accustom the student to clear expressions of his ideas in pronunciation and writing and the good use of punctuation marks. Developing the student's literary taste so that he realizes the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings and images. Identify the beauty of the Arabic language and literature, and that the student acquires the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language. Develop the student's spelling and writing ability and skill so that he can write correctly in all respects.

GS102 Mathematics II 04 General GS101 +

· Integration: definite and indefinite integrals, and their applications (area under a curve, area bounded by two curves, solids of revolution (disc method)). · Transcendental functions: exponential, logarithm functions, the hyperbolic functions, hyperbolic inverse functions, and their derivatives and integrations · Techniques of integration: (change of variables to find integrations, integration by parts, integration by substations, integration using partial fraction, reduction formulas). · The complex numbers: (definition, properties, conjugates, absolute values, polar forms, and determining roots). · Functions of several variables: (partial derivatives, implicit differentiation, chain rule and its applications, total differentiation and its applications, total differentiation of derivatives of second and higher order, maxima and minima, and Lagrange multiplier method).

GS112 Physics II 03 General GS111 +

Electrostatics: changes and fields, the electric potential; electric current; the magnetic field, electric fields in matter. Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s explanation and quantum theory of the hydrogen atom. Radioactive decay law derivation.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
NE200 Intro. to Nuclear Engineering 03 Compulsory GS102 +

Atomic nuciei (Atom Structure, Nuclides & Isotopes, Binding Energy). Ractivity (Alpha Decay, Beta Decay, Other decay Modes, Natural radioactive series, The Decay law, Radioactivity Calculations). Nuclear reactions (Q-Value Equation, Reaction Cross Section, Reaction Rates(. Interaction of radiation with matter (Heavy Charged particle, Fast electrons, Electromagnetic Radiation, Neutrons). Radaition detection and measurment (Introduction to Radiation Detection, Gas Detectors, Scintillation Detectors, Semiconductor Detectors, Neutron Detectors). Radaition doses and biological effect of radaition (Radiation Dose Units, Radiation Doses Calculations, Shielding). Reactors (Nuclear Fission Reaction, Reactor Main Constituents, Neutron Multiplication, Nuclear Fusion). Aplication of radioisotopes and radaition ( Radio-activation Analysis, Isotopic Power Generators, Medical Application, ect).

GS206 Probability and Statistics 03 General GS101 +

Probability: concept of a random experiment and sample space; addition and multiplication laws of probability; conditional probability and independence, Bay’s theorem and its application. Random variables and their probability distribution; Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Gamma, Exponential, Uniform and Cauchy distributions and their properties. Basic statistical concepts: Statistical data, measures of central simple linear regression, regression coefficient and correlation coefficient, non-linear regression. Fitting of linear and non-linear regression to data. Multiple linear regression and multiple correlation coefficient.

GS203 Mathematics III 03 General GS102 +

Linear Algebra. · Definition of matrices, Types of matrices, and their properties. · Operations on matrices and their properties. · Elementary row operations and reduced row form (Echelon form) · Systems of linear equations and their solutions using reduced matrix and matrix inverses. · Determinants, their properties, and a determinant formula for matrix inverse. · System of linear equations and their solutions using Cramer’s rule and using elementary transformations. · Eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the Hamilton Cayley theorem. · Introduction to fields (Real, complex), vectors, linearly dependent and independent vectors, basis, and dimension. Dot product, cross product, and their applications. · Calculus of vectors; functions of vectors and their derivatives, gradient, divergence and curl. The vector differential operator del.

GS112L Physics Lab 01 General GS111 +

Experiments about sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat and electro-chemical conversion.

GE222 Engineering Mechanics II 03 General +

Introduction to dynamics. Kinematics of particles; Kinematics of rigid bodies. Three-dimensional motion of a particle relative to a rotating frame (Coriolis acceleration). D’Alembert’s principle. Kinetic energy of a rigid body in plane motion. Kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimensions; motion of a gyroscope. Introduction to mechanical vibrations.

GE129L Workshop Technology Lab 01 General GE129 +

Some experiments related to GE129 course prepared by specified department.

PH317 Modern Physics 03 Compulsory GS102 GS112 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
NE310 Basic Nuclear Engineering 03 Compulsory NE200 +

Constituents of the nucleus and the nuclear forces: The quantum number (n), Bohr's theory, The four quantum numbers (n,L,mL,ms), Schrödinger theory, The electronic structure of atoms, The constituents of the nucleus, Proton-electron hypothesis, Proton-neutron hypothesis, Other elementary particles, The four universal forces, The nuclear force, Nuclear stability, Nuclear models, ( Liquid drop model: Binding energy formula), Nuclear shell model (nucleonic structure of the nucleus). Nuclear Reactions: Reaction rates (R=ΣΦ) Calculations of number densities (N) (for singles, molecules, a/o and, w/o enrichment), Microscopic cross sections, ENDF-Library, Averaging the cross sections on energy spectrums, Breit-wigner formal, energy level widths and life time of nuclei (the uncertainty principle). Theory of the compound nucleus, Decay schemes and excitation energy of nuclei, Q-value of reactions.Radioactive decay: Basic concepts (half life t1/2, decay constant λ, Activity A), Radioactive decay model (R=P-L), Solution of decay networks (analytic and numerical),Secular and transient equilibrium. Some applications of radioactive decay analysis ( production of radio- isotopes, reactor fuel burnup and control).Fission process: Energy released from fission, fission product yield, unsustained chain reaction (Nat. uranium alone), sustained chain reactions (Moderation and / or enrichment), types of nuclear reactors.Neutron life cycle (NLC): The neutron life cycle concept, neutron life time and generation time, K-factor formula, K∞- formula, preliminary design of reactors using NLC

NE303 Numerical Methods 03 Compulsory GS203 +

Review of fundamental numerical analysis concepts (roundoff & truncation error, statically error). Numerical solution of equation (Bisection, false position, secant, Newton’s, and fixed position methods). Numerical solution of linear systems of equations (Jacobi&Gauss-seidel methods), and Gauss elimination method.Interpolation and curve fitting of engineering data (Linear & Quadratic interpolation, finite difference operators, Newton’s forward and Lagrange methods).Numerical integration (Trapezoidal & Simpson’s methods).Numerical solutions of first and second order of differential equations using (Euler’s, Tayler’s, Modified Euler’s, Midpoint, Milne’s, Runge-Kutta methods).

NE302 Thermodynamics 03 Compulsory GS102 GS112 +

Basic and fundamental concepts: The thermodynamic system, system poundaries and the surroundings, open (control volume) and closed systems; Properties of T.D. systems, temperature, pressure and specific volume, the SI system of units; state of the T. D. system, the two property rule, the state of equilibrium of T. D. system and the oth law of Thermodynamics; the T.D. process. T. D. cycle.II) Properties of pure substances (water as an example) and ideal gases - heating of water at constant pressure, saturated liquid, saturated vapor and saturated mixture phases of water, the P-V diagram of a pure substances, the critical and triple points; use of thermodynamic tables to determine the state and properties of a T.D. system; the ideal gases laws and their use to determine properties and state of T. D. system. III) Forms of energy in thermodynamics Energy of T. D. system (kinetic, potential and internal energies); Energies crossing system boundaries (work and heat definitions and signs convention); calculation of work at moving boundaries of T.D systems for various T. D. processes (P=C, PV=C and PVn =C)IV) The first law of thermodynamics: Statement of first law (conservation of energy), applications to closed systems (piston-cylinder arrangements) undergoing a process and a cycle. use of first law to calculate heat transferred to/or from a closed system during changes of state. Definition of specific heats at constant volume cv and at constant pressure cp. enthalpy as a property of a T.D system. change of enthalpy during a process. Examples of the first law application for water and ideal gases undergoing various T.D processes. V) Introduction to the second law of thermodynamics - thermal machines (heat engine and heat pump) thermal efficiency and coefficient of performance; statements of the second law of thermodynamics (Kelvin-Plank and Clausius statements) ; Carnot cycle and its efficiency, use of Carnot cycle as a standard; inequality of Clausius; Increase of entropy principle; calculation of entropy change for pure substances and ideal gases; possible and impossible processes and cycles; second law for open systems – Simple Rankine cycle analysis.Simple basic principles experiments such as temperature measurements.

EE280 .Fund. of Electrical Eng 03 Compulsory GS102 GS112 +

GS 200 Computer Programming 03 Compulsory +

Introduction to computer science; basic principles of computer structure; basic components of programming languages; problem solving steps; Algorithms; introduction to Programming Language; Tokens; Values & variables; Input & Output statements; Statements, Expressions and Operators; Flow of Controls (if, if..elseif, switch statements, ternary operator); Iteration and loops (while, do-while and for loop statements); Continue and Break statements; Built-in functions, User defined functions; Scope of variables (global, local and static variables); Arrays (one dimensional array, 2 dimensional array , multi-dimensional arrays); some arithmetic operations on arrays; Arrays and functions; File I/O, files and streams, opening and closing files, reading & writing text files; other data types (i.e. structures, pointers)

GS204 Mathematics IV 03 General GS102 +

Ordinary differential equations · Basic definitions, first order and first degree differential equations (Separable Equations, Homogeneous and nearly homogeneous equations, Exact equations, Integrating factors, linear equations, Bernoulli equation, Riccati equation, brief discussion of existence and uniqueness of a solution, orthogonal trajectories). · Linear higher order differential equations: theoretical considerations, constant coefficient case, nonhomogeneous equation (variation of parameters method, undetermined coefficients method), and Euler’s differential equation. · Laplace transformations and its inverse, calculating Laplace transformation and its invers, using Laplace transformation on solving linear equations. · System of linear differential equations; solution of differential equations in series; gamma, beta function, Bessel function, modified Bessel function, Legendre polynomials; Spherical harmonics, hyper geometric functions.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC311 Electronics 03 Compulsory EE280 +

NE361 Radiation Detection & Measurement 03 Compulsory GS206 NE200 +

Radiation sources, Radiation interactions (fast electrons, heavy charged particle, electromagnetic radiation, neutrons), General properties of radiation detectors (modes of detector operation, pulse height spectra, energy resolution, detection efficiency, dead time), Counting statistics and error prediction (characterization) of data, statistical models, error propagation), Gas detectors (ionization chamber – proportional counter – Geiger-Mueller counters), Scintillation detectors (Scin. Det. principles, photomultiplier tubes) – Radiation spectroscopy with scintillation, Semiconductor detectors (semiconductor properties, semiconductor as radiation detectors, surface barrier detectors, high purity Germanium detectors, lithium drifted silicon detectors), Slow and fast neutron detection and spectroscopy

NE320 Heat Transfer 03 Compulsory GS204 NE302 +

NE311 Reactor Theory I 03 Compulsory GS204 NE303 +

Nuclear reactors: Types of reactors, thermal and fast reactors, reactor components, Power plant system, future reactors, nuclear fuel utilization.Neutron diffusion theory: The neutron flux and reaction rates, the diffusion coefficient, derivation of the neutron diffusion equation, boundary conditions, external neutron sources, neutron diffusion in non-multiplying homogenous media, multi-region, slab, spherical, and cylindrical geometries.Neutron diffusion in multiplying homogenous media (the reactor core), time dependent core, concept of criticality, criticality condition, reflected core, reflector savings, slab, spherical, and cylindrical geometries, flux and power distributions.Energy and space dependent reactor, multi-group theory and cross sections, two group theory, modified one group.Numerical solution of the neutron diffusion equation: one dimensional discretization, solution algorithm and flow chart, Two dimensional discretization, two group 1D and 2D.Diffusion codes (no burn-up): 1D and 2DB codes, scope of the overall calculation task, preparation of the input file, interpretation of the output file, sample problems excluding.

MME220 Intro. to Material Sci. 04 Compulsory GS101 GS115 +

1-classes of engineering materials. 2-atomic bonds – ionic, covalent, metallic, secondary. 3-symmetry, crystal systems. 4-important metal & ionic crystals. 5-lattice directions & planes. 6-x-ray diffraction. 7-mechanical, electrical & thermal properties. 8-defects of crystal patterns. 9-solid solutions. 10-point defects, linear defects, surface defects. 11-diffusion in solids. 12-properties of single phase materials. 13- elastic behaviour. 14- anisotropy & elastic limit. 15- onset of plastic behaviour. 16- cold – working & disloca tions. 17- annealing of cold worked metals. 18- creep, fatigue & fracture of metals. 19- multi-phase materials, alloys, phase rule, phase diagrames, the iron – carbon phase diagram, steels, cast irons. 20- Corrosion of metallic materials, degradation of ceramics & polymers. 21- Ceramics – structures, properties & processing. 22- Polymers – molecular weight distribution polymerization reactions.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
NE321 Fluid Mechanics 03 Compulsory GS204 +

Dimensions & Units: Systems of dimensions, systems of units, SI units, power of tens prefixes, Greek- symbols, Taylor series, vector operations, preferred systems of units, method of analysis, basic equations, system & control volume approach, integral approach, differential approach.Definition of Fluids: Definition of fluids, Newtonian fluids, non-Newtonian fluids, timelines, path lines, streak lines, and stream lines, stress field, viscosity, vapor pressure, surface tension, contact angle and capillary pressure, viscosity, viscosity conversion chart, description and classification of fluid motions, basic equation of fluid static, the standard atmosphere, pressure variation in static fluid, incompressible liquids, manometers, gases, hydrostatic forces, buoyancy and stability, fluids in rigid-body motion. Control Volume Analysis: Basic laws for a system, control volume analysis approach, conservation of mass, examples of conservation of mass, conservation of momentum, examples of conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, examples of energy equation, Bernoulli equation, examples of Bernoulli equation, static pressure, stagnation pressure, and dynamic pressure, the relation between the energy equation and the Bernoulli equation, Unsteady Bernoulli equation, cautions on the use of Bernoulli equation. Dimensional Analysis: Dimension of homogeneity and analysis, dimensionless ratios, dimensional analysis by inspection, correlation of experimental data, standard dimensionless numbers, similitude, geometric similitude, dynamic similitude, flow models without free- surface effects, significance of the pressure coefficient, free-surface models, non dimensionless the basic equations.Differential Analysis: Differential analysis applied to conservation of mass and conservation of momentum, incompressible in viscid flow, momentum equation for frictionless flow; Euler’s equation in stream lines coordinates, derivation of Bernoulli equation from Euler’s equation along stream line, and derivation using other coordinates, Bernoulli equation applied to non-rotational flow, internal incompressible viscous flow, fully developed laminar flow, flow in circular ducts, flow down on inclined plane, flow through a straight channel, plane Couette flow, fully developed laminar flow between infinite parallel plates, flow between two rotating concentric cylinders, turbulent flow, turbulent velocity profile in fully developed pipe flow, energy equation in pipe flow, kinetic energy coefficient, head losses, calculation of head losses, major losses and minor losses, noncircular ducts, equivalent diameters for noncircular ducts, the criteria for laminar and turbulent flow, solution of pipe flow problems, pumps and valves in fluid systems, flow measurements methods.Basic simple experiment such as pressure dropmeasurement, mass flow measurement, viscosity measurement.

NE360 Nuclear Instrumentation1 03 Compulsory EC311 NE200 +

Coaxial cables (construction, their properties and specifications, characteristic impedance, transmission of pulses). Preamplifiers (function, design requirements , voltage sensitive preamplifier , charge sensitive preamplifier, current sensitive preamplifier). High voltage supplies. Pulse generators . Amplifiers (function, types). Instrument standards (NIM, CAMAC). Pulse shaping(CR and RC shaping, delay line pulse shaping). Counting systems (Integral discriminator , differential discriminator (SCA), counters, timers, ratemeters). Pulse height analysis systems (methods of pulse height measurements, multi channel analyzer (MCA)). Pulse timing systems (time pick-off methods, measurement of timing properties, modular instruments for timing measurements).

MME340 .Mechanical Prop 03 Compulsory MME220 +

1. State of stress in two and three dimensions, stress tensor, Mohr's circle in 2 and 3 dimensions, hydrostatic and deviator component of stress, elastic stress-strain relationship, and calculation of stress from elastic strain. 2. Plastic deformation of single crystals, deformation by slip, strain hardening and deformation by twining 3. The dislocation theory, stress field and energies of dislocations, forces on dislocations, forces between dislocations, interaction of dislocations, multiplication of dislocations, dislocations pile-ups, dislocations in FCC, HCP and BCC lattices, partial dislocations and stacking faults. 4. Strengthening mechanisms, the yield point phenomenon, work hardening, strain aging, solid solution strengthening, dispersion strengthening, strengthening from grain boundaries and age hardening. Laboratory Experiments Tensile, compression, impact, hardness, shear and torsion tests.

M305 .Advanced Math 03 Compulsory GS204 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
NE 421 Reactor Thermohydraulics 03 Compulsory NE303 NE320 +

توليد الطاقة داخل قلب المفاعل المتجانس وغير المتجانس - التوصيل الحراري 1-D و 2-D في عناصر الوقود النووي - الحلول العددية للحالة المستقرة والمشاكل العابرة (استخدام الرموز المتاحة مثل FEM2D) - الدروع الحرارية - نقل الحرارة عن طريق الحمل الحراري - معايير الاختيار لمبردات المفاعل - انتقال الحرارة مع التغيير في الطور - تحليل قناة الغليان - حساب انخفاض الضغط في القنوات المضغوطة والمغلية - التدفق الحرج - تصميم قلب المفاعل الحراري (عامل القناة الساخنة (البقعة)) - استخدام رموز التحليل الحراري المتاحة مثل MITH و TH1 و BWR و MIGHT. توليد الطاقة في قلب المفاعلات النووية: الطاقة المنبعثة في الانشطار ، طاقة الانشطار في المفاعلات ، كثافة الوقود القابل للانشطار ، المقطع العرضي للانشطار في المفاعلات. توليد الحرارة في المفاعلات ، (إنتاج الحرارة في عناصر الوقود ، وتسخين الإشعاع ، وتحلل ناتج الانشطار) ، إجمالي الحرارة المتولدة في القلب (النواة المتجانسة ، النواة غير المتجانسة) ، توليد حرارة إغلاق المفاعل. إزالة الحرارة من المفاعل النووي 3الاعتبارات الديناميكية الحرارية العامة. تدفق الحرارة عن طريق التوصيل: معادلات التوصيل الحراري للوقود ، المكسو ، الفجوة (في عناصر الوقود من نوع اللوحة ، في عنصر الوقود الأسطواني ، في عنصر الوقود ذو الشكل الكروي) ، مصادر الحرارة المعتمدة على الفضاء ، نقل الحرارة إلى المبردات: إجمالي الحرارة الناتجة في عنصر الوقود. نقل الحرارة بالحمل الحراري القسري في المبردات أحادية الطور: التدفق الهيدروليكي في القنوات ، معامل نقل الحرارة (القطر المكافئ لقناة المبرد ، رقم رينولدز ، رقم Nusselt Nu ، Prandtle Pr). توزيعات درجة الحرارة المحورية: درجة حرارة المبرد كدالة للموضع على طول القناة الأكثر سخونة والقنوات الأخرى ، ودرجة حرارة الكسوة ، والفجوة والوقود كدالة للموضع على طول القناة الأكثر سخونة والقنوات الأخرى ، وتحديد القيم القصوى لدرجات الحرارة داخل قضيب الوقود ومواقعها (الوقود ، الفجوة والمكسو). انتقال الحرارة المغلي في المفاعلات النووية: أنظمة الغليان: عدم الغليان ، غليان النواة ، الغليان الجزئي للفيلم ، غليان الفيلم الكامل ، أنماط التدفق في قناة ساخنة رأسية ، الارتباط المستخدم لحساب التدفق الحراري لغلي النواة). تدفق على مرحلتين ، إضافة الحرارة إلى تدفق الغليان ، توزيعات درجة الحرارة المحورية. أزمة الغليان: DNB ، تدفق الحرارة الحرج CHF ، الارتباط لحساب CHF. التحليل الأساسي الهيدروديناميكي: ينخفض ضغط سائل التبريد أحادي الطور. ينخفض ضغط قناة الغليان. تحليل النواة الحرارية الهيدروليكية: نسبة DNB ، عوامل القناة الساخنة ، عامل القناة الساخنة النووية ، عامل القناة الساخنة الهندسية FE ، عامل القناة الساخنة لارتفاع المحتوى الحراري ، حجم قلب التحديد. رموز التصميم الحراري الهيدروليكي. استخدام رموز التحليل الحراري المتاحة مثل MITH و TH1 و BWRand MIGHT.

NE 471 Reactor Kinetics 03 Compulsory NE311 +

Time dependent one speed diffusion equation; The point reactor kinetics (P.k.e) (6- groups model), The corresponding characteristic equation (the inhour equation), System time constants, The p.k.e (1 group model), Effective decay constant for power maneuver, Effective decay constant for accident, The inhour equation (reactivity vs period diagram). Approximations ( 1st order models), Constant source model, Prompt jump model. Laplace Transform, Introduction, Definitions, Generating Laplace table, Partial, fraction method, Solution of differential equations in s- domain. Solutions of point kinetics equations (coupled 1st order ,and nth order model), Equilibrium versus criticality, Reactivity insertions, Positive reactivity, Negative reactivity, Zero reactivity, Reactor power maneuver (reactor operation), Simple reactor simulator. Source insertion, Impulse insertion, Step insertion, Ramp insertion, Sinusoidal insertion. Transfer function(TF), Source TF, Reactivity TF, frequency response and bode plots. Feedback effects, Temperature feedback, Xenon feedback, Other feedbacks, Temperature coefficient of reactivity, Nordhieum Fuches Reactor Model. Reactor Stability, Controllability, S-plane and allocations of inverse of time constants (roots of characteristic equation), Stability concepts, Roots allocation, Direct roots finding: analytic and numerical, Routh criteria method, Nyquist plot.

NE 436 Medical Applications of Radiation 03 Elective NE310 +

Medical Uses of Radiation: Diagnostic Radiobiology: ( Conventional X-ray - Computed Tomography (CT scan), Mammography, Flouroscopy, MRI. Nuclear Medicine: Radionuclide Production (cyclotron, Nuclear Reactor, Radionuclide Generators:( Molybdenum 99mTc Generator ) ,Radiopharmaceutical. Anger Gamma Camera Single Photon Emission Tomography(SPECT ) :- Design, principle of operation, image reconstruction, Performance, QC. Positron Emission Tomography (PET Camera). Dose Calculations in therapeutic nuclear medicine. Radiotherapy : Teletherapy radiation machines:- (X-ray, Co-60 unit, Linear accelerators Photon & electron mode, Phantoms, beam parameters and patient parameters. Dose measurements in water phantom. Brachytherapy: Brachytherapy sources , Principles and types of brachytherapy.

NE340 Nuclear Materials 03 Compulsory NE311 +

Nuclear energy and materials: Nuclear fission energy, Types of nuclear fission energy, Future reactors, and Properties of nuclear fusion energy. Reactor material propertiesand requirements: Nuclear engineering design and material selection, Requirements of nuclear material properties, General properties in selection of nuclear reactor materials, and Special properties in selection of nuclear reactor materials.Primary components and materials of nuclear fission reactors, Classification of nuclear fission reactor material, nuclear fuel materials, structural materials, moderator reflector and blanket materials, coolant materials and control element, shielding materials. Fundamental radiation effects on materials: Classification of crystal imperfections or defects, interaction of nuclear radiation with matter, radiation damage by neutrons, proposed models of radiation damage, threshold energy required to displace an atom and fundamental radiation effects on property changes. Irradiation effects on reactor materials in engineering applications: Integrated neutron flux, threshold integrated neutron flux, irradiation effects on material properties; irradiation effects on nuclear properties; irradiation effects on physical properties; irradiation effects on thermal properties; irradiation effects on mechanical properties, irradiation swelling and irradiation effects on corrosion. Metallic uranium and Ceramic uranium: Production of metallic uraniumand ceramic uranium,nuclear; physical; thermal and mechanical properties, uranium metal, uranium alloys, primary irradiation effects on uranium fuel, ceramic uranium compounds, uranium dioxide, oxide fuel, irradiation swelling in oxide fuel, irradiation creep of oxide fuel, fission gas release from oxide fuel, uranium monocarbide, carbide fuel , uranium nitride, and nitride fuel. Plutonium and Thorium: Plutonium occurrence and production, nuclear; physical; thermal and mechanical properties, plutonium metallic alloys, mixed ceramic uranium plutonium fuel, irradiation effects and corrosion effects on plutonium, thorium occurrence and production, nuclear; physical; thermal and mechanical properties of thorium, irradiation effects and corrosion effects on thorium. Structural materials, metals, ceramic and Cermets: Metals and alloys, beryllium and its compounds, magnesium, its alloys and compounds, aluminum, its alloys and compounds, zirconium and its alloys, stainless steel and nickel alloys, ceramics and cermets, irradiation effects on structural materials, and corrosion of reactor structural materials. Moderator; reflector; blanket; and coolant materials: Moderator and reflector, graphite, blanket materials, coolant material. Control and shielding material: Control elements and materials, reactor shielding, shielding materials.

NE431 Radiation Prot. & Shielding 03 Compulsory NE311 +

Review the interaction of radiation with matter: Neutron interactions, Neutron attenuation, Fission products release, γ-rayinteraction with matter, Charge particles. Radiation protection: Radiation units, Computations of exposure and dose, Exposure from unshielded γ-Ray sources. Gamma- Ray shielding: Buildup factors, The infinite planar and Disc sources, The, Internal sources, Multilayered shields. Reactor shielding principles: Shield design, Radiation from reactor system, Thermal and biological shields, Reactor shielding requirements, shielding materials. Nuclear Reactor shielding: Removal cross section, Removal- attenuation calculations, The removal attenuation calculations, The removal diffusion method, The mote-carlo method, Shielding the γ-rays, Coolant activation, Ducts in shields. Heating in shields: Heating by Gamma Rays, Heating by neutrons.

NE380 Nuclear Lab I 02 Compulsory NE361 +

Gas detectors (Geiger counter): Operating characteristics of GM tube. Dead time measurement. Counting statistics using GM tube, determination of absorption coefficients in materials using GM tube, inverse square law. 2. Operation characteristics of spectroscopy electronics using a pulser, and an oscilloscope. 3. Gamma-spectroscopy using NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors, SCA, and MCA. Determination of mass absorption coefficient for gamma rays in lead and steel.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
NE390 Seminar I 01 Compulsory NE311 +

Subjects are selected by staff members and passed to students. Each student selects the subject and presents it in a seminar and submits a written report. The student can propose his own subject provided its acceptance by the department.

NE481 Nuclear Lab. II 02 Compulsory NE360 +

The program aims to train students on advanced techniques in nuclear physics used in radiation detection and measurements Linear gate in gamma ray spectroscopy - timing coincidence - simple coincidence - gamma ray coincidence using coincident unit - time to pulse height converter - alpha and beta spectroscopy using surface barrier detectors - x-ray fluorescence using Si(Li) detectors - gamma ray spectroscopy using HPGe detectors.

NE450 Nuclear Power Plants 03 Compulsory NE311 +

Thermodynamic Cycles: Carnot cycle, Carnot efficiency, thermal efficiency, concept of reversibility, actual cycles, Rankin cycle, the efficiency and the power of nuclear plants operating on an irreversible cycles, PWRs cycles, BWRs cycles, GCRs cycles, superheating and reheating cycles, regeneration, heat addition with variable temperature heat sources (steam generators, boilers, heat exchangers), working fluids, multi-fluid vapor cycles, economical impact, environmental impact.Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs): The primary cycle of PWRs, the secondary cycle of PWRs, the PWRs pressurize, steam generators ( U-tube, Once-through), chemical shim control, the radioactivity of the primary cycle system, coolant cleaning, heavy-water pressurized reactors , pressurized-water reactor power plants characteristics, the Shipping port nuclear power station, the Indian Point I Reactor Power Plant, the Point Peach Reactor Power Plant, the Pickering Heavy-Water Reactor Power Plant, the Fluidized-Bed concept, The Fluidized-Bed Reactor.Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs): Definition and cycle of BWRs, energy and mass balance of BWRs, the driving pressure in a boiling channel, the average density in boiling channel, the chimney effect, multichannel boiling core, the void coefficient in BWRs , ordinary-water reactors with highly enriched fuels, ordinary-water reactors with low enriched fuels, heavy-water reactors, stability of BWRs, boiling reactors power plants, thermodynamic cycle, radioactivity of steam systems of BWRs, direct cycle power plant, the experimental boiling water reactor (EBWR), the dual-cycle power plant, Dresden I Nuclear Power Plant, plant control using recirculation flow, Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Station, the pathfinder boiling reactor, A graphite-Water boiling superheat reactor, the variable moderator boiling reactor (VMR), BWRs turbines. Gas cooled Reactors (GCRs ): Definition of gas cooled reactor, thermodynamic cycles, gas coolant radioactivity, comparison of gas coolants on the basis of heat transfer and pumping power, thermodynamic comparison of gas coolants in direct-cycle applications, the actual cycle of GCR, design of GCR, other gaseous coolants comparisons, speed of sound, effect of fuel-element type on gas cooled reactors, economic impact, environmental impact, gas cooled reactor power plants, the analysis of the gas-steam system; the simple cycle, the analysis of gas-steam system: the dual pressure cycle, the UK gas cooled reactor program, the Hinckley Point A & B Stations, the high temperature gas cooled reactors (HTGR), Peach Bottom HTGR plant, the Fort Saint Vrain HTGR, pebble-bed reactors, the pebble-bed reactors steam power.

NE412 Reactor Theory II 03 Compulsory M305 NE311 +

Resonance cross sections, Doppler effect, Resonance integrals, Neutron scattering, differential scattering cross section, neutron kinematics, Center of Mass and Lab systems, transfer probability, transfer cross section, transport cross section, neutron leathargy, moderating power and moderating ratio.Neutron flux, current partial currents. The neutron transport equation: derivation, boundary conditions, approximations, steady state, energy and velocity variables, one speed, multi-group, one dimensional, derivation of the diffusion equation from the transport equation.Neutron slowing down theory: infinite homogenous medium approximation to the transport equation, neutron spectra in the fission region (above 0.1 MeV), slowing down in a hydrogenous medium with and without absorption, slowing down in a non-hydrogenous medium with and without absorption, resonance absorption, slowing down in a thermal region, Maxwellian distribution, non-Maxwellian distribution. Fuel lattice cell calculations: effect of fuel lumping on the neutron multiplication, cell homogenization, core homogenization, cross section collapsing from the ENDFB library, spectrum codes, collapsing to few group cross sections,LEOPARD code: scope of the overall calculation task, preparation of the input file, interpretation of the output file, sample problems excluding burn-up.

NE 437 Radioactivity in the Environment 03 Elective NE481 +

• Identify the radioactive elements found in nature and their properties• Identify the natural radioactive elements enhanced by industry and their most important sources• The ability to deal with natural radioactive elements in the oil and gas industry• Identify the sources of cosmic rays and their effects and uses• Identify the existing legislation for dealing with natural radioactive waste

NE 472 Modeling and Simulation 03 Elective NE303 +

• Learn about the physics of neutrons and classify them from the point of view of energy and from the point of view of time.• The ability to distinguish between reactor kinetics and dynamics.• The ability to devise a number of mathematical models that describe the kinetics and dynamics of reactors.• The ability to solve mathematical models analytically with the use of supporting mathematical programs such as (MATLAB).• Familiarize yourself with the systems stability analysis tools and their application to the reactor system.

9th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
NE 425 Thermo-Fluid Lab. 03 Elective NE320 NE321 +

Conducting physical experiments in the field of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer.The student should understand the installation and the idea of working of temperature and pressure measuring devices and devices for measuring flow rate and velocity.The ability to evaluate theoretical applications by conducting laboratory experiments.The ability to interpret engineering scientific phenomena through laboratory experiments.

NE490 Seminar II 01 Compulsory +

• Demonstrate competence in identifying relevant information, identifying and explaining topics under discussion.• Learn how to use primary and secondary sources; They will demonstrate complexity, insight, argumentative power, independent thought, relevance, and persuasiveness.• Ability to evaluate information and use and apply relevant theories. In terms of organisation, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in working methodically, organizing oral work, and synthesizing information.• The ability to present a clear, forceful statement of their thesis, and to develop their topic with appropriate references.• Ability to make use of scientific materials to support presentation• The ability to present in a sequence and present the project idea in convincing ways and take attendance notes• The ability to speak persuasively, with or without notes. The course will be offered either in groups or as individuals.مزيد من المعلومات عن هذا النص المصدريجب إدخال نص مصدر للحصول على معلومات إضافية عن الترجمة.إرسال تعليقاتاللوحات الجانبية

NE532 Reactor Safety 03 Compulsory NE 421 NE 471 +

• Learn the basic principles of nuclear reactor safety• Identify the natural phenomena that can contribute to the occurrence of nuclear accidents• Recognizing and being able to analyze the successive events of nuclear reactor accidents without activating the safety systems• Recognizing, understanding and analyzing the working methods of engineering safety systems for nuclear reactors• Learn about the most dangerous nuclear accidents that occurred in the world• Identifying and analyzing the main parameters of risk assessment methodologies applied in the safety of nuclear reactors

NE592 B. Sc. Project 04 Compulsory +

Different projects are suggested by staff members and students select among them.

NE 497 Water Desalination Methods 03 Elective NE302 NE320 +

• Learn about the industrial methods of water desalination.• Comparing different desalination methods and determining the most appropriate one.• Knowledge of the rules for selecting the appropriate desalination technology.• Calculating the efficiency, productivity and performance of the desalination process.• Learn how to solve temporary and continuous operating problems of desalination plants.

10th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
NE 430 Health Physics 03 Elective NE310 +

Quantities and Units ( Exposure, Absorbed Dose, Dose Equivalent, Committed Dose Equivalent, Quality factor, effective dose, committed effective dose, and KERMA, Exposure measurement ( free air chamber and air wall chamber). Absorbed dose measurements:- Bragg – Gray principle. Charged particle beam. Dose calculation, Alpha and low energy beta emitter distributed in tissue, charge particle beam, point source of gamma rays and neutrons. Exposure-Dose relationship. Dosimetry of radio nuclides. Health physics Instrumentation ( Personal monitoring, pocket dosimeter, film badges, TL dosimeters, Electronic Dosimeters, Survey Meter and neutron Dosimetry). Radiation Protection : Objectives of radiation protection, Philosophy of radiation protection. Organization that sets standards: International Commission on Radiological protection (ICRP), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , International Commission on Radiological units and measurements, ICRP basic radiation safety criteria, Local Regulations, External Radiation Protection (time, distance and shielding). Internal Radiation Protections:-Principles of control, Surface contamination, Waste management, Protection guides for non ionizing radiation. Chemical and Biological Effects of Radiation: Dose response characteristics, Direct and Indirect Action, Factors Effecting dose responses (relative biological effectiveness, dose rate and oxygen enhancement ratio), Biological basis for Internal Dosimetry, Biokinetic Processes, Organ system, Unity of the body Radiation Effects:- Acute effects, Delayed effects, Genetic effects Risk coefficient Estimates.

NE482 Nuclear Lab. III 03 Compulsory NE 471 NE481 +

Learn about the different units of the nuclear reactor, such as the reactor core, control room, and cooling circuits• Learn the basics of operation and control of the reactor and carry out some basic operations to operate the reactor.• Identify the safety requirements in the reactor building.• Acquisition of the necessary skills to perform basic calculations for calibration of control rods and analysis of neutron activation.