Bachelor in Economie

faculty of Economy - Department of Economics



The program aims to prepare qualified students who are able to define scientific concepts and terminology used in the field of economics and use scientific research skills in studying various economic phenomena, diagnosing economic problems and finding solutions to them by analyzing and interpreting economic indicators, as well as drawing and formulating economic policies and evaluating them, as well as participating in scientific forums Related to the specialization of economics and contributing to raising the efficiency of economic units operating in the country by providing consultations, research and studies necessary for that.




After passing all the courses successfully, the graduate will be able to:

-1Determine the scientific concepts and terminology used in the field of economics

-2Using scientific research skills in studying various economic phenomena

- 3 Diagnosing economic problems and finding solutions to them

 - 4 Analysis and interpretation of economic indicators

 - 5 Drawing and formulating economic policies and evaluating them

- 6 Participation in scientific forums related to economics

 - 7 Contribute to raising the efficiency of the operating economic units in the country by providing the necessary consultations, research and studies



By successfully completing all academic program requirements, the graduate will be able to:


A - Knowledge and understanding: 

A 1 - To understand the generally accepted economic terms and concepts, to recognize the nature of economics and its importance in solving economic problems, and to define the role of the state in managing economic activity, and to enumerate the types of economic systems and types of economic markets and explain the nature of each one of them.

A 2 - To explain the mechanism by which the economy operates and how to allocate economic resources, explain the economic relations and explain the economic behavior of the economic units operating in the economy.

A 3 - To explain the changes that occur in economic variables and be able to track and predict them.

A 4 - To understand economic theories correctly and link them with the reality in which people live, and to recognize the economic effects of economic imbalance at the macro and micro levels.


B. Mental skills:  

B1 - To criticize economic theories and evaluate the assumptions on which they are based

B2 - To diagnose various economic phenomena and problems and describe solutions to them.

B3 - To discover weaknesses and imbalances in economic policies and measure their economic effects on the operating economic units in the state

B4 - To analyze and interpret economic indicators


c. Practical and professional skills: 

  C 1 - formulating and drawing economic policies

C 2 - Laying down economic plans and programmes

C 3 - Preparing economic research and studies

C 4 - Using statistical programs in processing and analyzing economic data


D . General skills: 

D1 - The student should be able to manage time and work in a team

D2 - The student should be able to think critically and solve problems

D 3 - The student should be able to communicate, written and oral

D4 - The student should be able to use modern technology, the Internet and data analysis programs

Certificate Rewarded

The academic certificate granted upon completion of the specialized program "Bachelor of Economics"

Entry Reuirements


 -1 The applicant must have a high school diploma (scientific) with a general grade of 65% or more

-2 The applicant must be a resident of Libya

-3 The applicant should be able to fulfill the admission requirements and provide the required documents for that


Study Plan

The Bachelor in Economie prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Economie. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 139 units, which include 52 units of general subjects, and 60 major units, 15 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO110 03 Compulsory +

ST140 03 General +

POL150 Political Science 03 General +

FIN160 Financing Principles 03 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with introducing the student to financing and its objectives, and what are the tasks assigned to financial managers, as well as knowing the sources of financing, financial intermediaries, and sources of Islamic financing. It also explains the definition of ordinary and preferred shares, advantages and disadvantages, and determining the cost of each, It also explains the concept of bonds, long-term loans, leasing and retained earnings, and determining their costs.

ES142 03 General +

ACC 130 Accounting Principles I 03 General +

Defining the science of accounting, the principles and assumptions that govern it, the accounting cycle, the budget equation, the basics of preparing the double entry, distinguishing between debit and credit accounts, determining the effect of transactions on the budget equation, recording and posting entries in the accounting books with the preparation of the trial balance and the preparation of financial statements (income statement, and the position list financial) and discover accounting errors and treat them

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO111 03 Compulsory ECO110 +

ECO210 03 Compulsory ECO110 +

FIN266 Financial markets 03 Elective FIN160 +

FIN260 Financial management 03 Elective ACC 130 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO214 03 Compulsory ST140 +

FIN268 Financial institutions 03 Elective FIN266 +

ECO211 03 Compulsory ES142 +

ECO212 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

ECO513 Industrial Organization 03 Elective ECO210 +

ECO317 03 Compulsory ECO111 +

ECO314 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

ECO313 03 Compulsory ECO111 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO315 03 Compulsory ECO314 +

ECO213 03 Compulsory ECO211 +

ECO215 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

ECO218 03 Compulsory ECO213 +

ECO310 03 Compulsory ECO214 +

ECO311 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

ECO312 03 Compulsory ECO212 +

ECO316 03 Compulsory ECO211 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO318 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

ECO319 03 Compulsory ECO212 +

ECO410 03 Compulsory ECO212 +

ECO411 03 Compulsory ECO210 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO413 Economics of Tourism 03 Elective ECO211 +

ECO216 03 Elective ECO212 +

ECO217 Environmental and Natural Resource 03 Elective ECO210 +

ECO219 Seminar 03 Elective ECO210 +

ECO412 Agricultural Economics 03 Elective ECO210 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO414 Economics of Education 03 Elective ECO211 +

ECO419 Applied International Economics 03 Elective ECO211 +

ECO418 Institutional Economics 03 Elective ECO210 +

ECO417 Experimental Economics 03 Elective ECO210 +

ECO416 Health Economics 03 Elective ECO211 +

ECO415 Labor Economics 03 Elective ECO212 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO514 Islamic Finance 03 Elective ECO318 +

ECO515 Monetary Economics 03 Elective ECO211 +

ECO516 Monetary Theory 03 Elective ECO313 +

ECO517 Monetary Policies 03 Elective ECO313 +

ECO518 Modeling Monetary Economies 03 Elective ECO313 +

ECO512 Economic Indicators 03 Elective ECO211 +

ECO511 International Macroeconomics 03 Elective ECO211 +

ECO510 Islamic Economics 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
STAT600 Advanced statistics 03 General +

It involves the statistical analysis of statistical data and the conduct of statistical analysis of statistical data. The course also includes the statistical analysis of financial statements and other statistical data. The course also includes statistical analysis of statistical data related to statistics and statistical analysis of financial data. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to general statistics and individual statistics. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to applied statistics. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to statistical forecasts and applied statistics for forecasts.