Bachelor in Acting and Directing

Faculty of Arts and Design - Department of Dramatic Arts



This program grants a bachelor's degree in directing and acting, after the student passes 65 credits, including general compulsory courses and elective courses in the Department of Dramatic Arts, during the first and second semesters. The student begins the specialized study in the field of directing and acting. It is a specialization that aims to qualify and prepare specialized cadres in the fields of drama industry through its various media: theater, television and radio. The specialized courses include 53 study units, through which the student studies everything related to the drama industry, the art of directing, and acting techniques and methods.


  • Graduating academically qualified cadres to meet the needs of the labor market in the fields of dramatic arts in various media.
  •   Encouraging scientific research to contribute to advancing the development of dramatic arts, and enriching scientific libraries.
  •   Keep up with the scientific and artistic development in the artistic and technical fields of the dramatic field, and meet the local needs
  • Building bridges of communication between the program and the community through scientific and artistic activities. And contribute to raising the level of community awareness and improving the artistic and aesthetic taste.


  • That the graduate of the directing and acting program is able to direct the dramatic work through its various means such as theatre, cinema and television.
  • The ability to carry out scientific research in the field of acting and dramatic direction.
  • Acting and playing dramatic roles on stage, film and television
  • The ability to use technologies in dramatic production
  • Knowledge of the scientific basis for using acting and directing techniques
  • The ability to direct dramas of various styles
  • The ability to train and prepare the actor and deal with the technical work team

Certificate Rewarded

 A Bachelor's degree in directing and acting,

Entry Reuirements

  • The scientific council of the college determines the number of students who can be accepted according to the capabilities of the college at the beginning of each semester, based on the report submitted to the scientific council by the head of the study and examinations office for the previous semester.
  • To have obtained a high school diploma and to pass the prescribed entrance exams.
  • To be healthy enough to pursue studies in his desired major.
  • The student should not have been dismissed from the university from which he was transferred for academic or disciplinary reasons.
  • The student must submit the required documents approved by the competent authorities, provided that they contain the courses he has previously studied, and the vocabulary of these courses at least one month before the start of the semester.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Acting and Directing prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Acting and Directing. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 118 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS122 Psychology 02 University requirement +

The course of psychology is one of the general compulsory courses, through which the student studies an introduction to the definition of this science, which deals with the study of the mental and behavioral processes of the individual, the study of the most important theories of psychologists and specialists, and an understanding of the impact of biological and environmental factors, and social pressures on the behavior, feeling and thinking pattern of individuals, and how it helps This science aims to improve understanding of the behavior of others and the human psyche in general, and to identify the tasks of psychology, including: developing programs for education, developing work environments and making them more flexible, understanding the stages of childhood, improving mental health and levels of well-being for individuals, and developing individual performance in various fields .

GS121 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

GS123 02 University requirement +

TTA121 Introduction to the Dramatic Arts 03 Compulsory +

The Introduction to Dramatic Arts course aims to introduce the student to the basic concepts of drama science, and to know the most important foundations on which the production of dramatic art is based through its various means such as theatre, cinema and television, and the similarities and differences between the means of drama. And that the student be able to distinguish between the overlapping fields in the dramatic arts, and understand the mechanisms and methods of dealing with the various components and elements of drama.

TTA122 History of Art 02 Compulsory +

This course is one of the compulsory general requirements and aims to introduce the student to the nature of art and its human and social necessity. It also recognizes the patterns and classifications of art, and its functional and aesthetic applications. Through this course, the student begins to get acquainted with the basic principles of the philosophy of art in successive human civilizations, starting with the ancient Greeks and passing through the Roman civilization and the civilizations of Mesopotamia and North Africa, and the development of art during these important historical stages, up to the Middle Ages in Europe and the development of art in Islamic civilization and even Our present time. This course aims, as one of the important historical introductions, to introduce the student to the story of civilization and art, as well as to familiarize the student with the philosophical views and theories about art. Not only through the traditional reception of scientific information, but also through the involvement of students in research groups and urging them to make presentations on the history of art in different parts of the world.

TTA123 Ancient Greece & Roman Theater 02 Compulsory +

The Greek and Roman Theater course is a part of the courses that focus on teaching the history of theater through the successive historical stages of the march of theater through the ages, and successive civilizations, from the ancient Greeks to the present day. It aims to introduce the student to the most important variables and artistic and thematic transformations of the art of theater and the development of the art of drama in general since the beginnings of the emergence of drama, as well as introducing the most important theories and philosophical opinions that have been associated with this art. The teaching of this course also aims to introduce the student to the importance of the educational and enlightening role of the art of drama and its role in the development of human societies, and the consolidation of moral and philosophical values.

TTA224 03 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS224 02 University requirement GS121 +

GS225 02 University requirement +

TTA232 03 Compulsory +

TTA231 03 Compulsory +

TTA223 02 Compulsory +

TTA226 02 Compulsory +

The Dramatic Terminology course is one of the supporting courses for drama students to get acquainted with the basic dramatic terms and concepts in the drama industry through its various media. Through the student's study of this course, the student will be able to understand and compare the same concept through different languages and the possibility of using and employing dramatic terminology correctly and appropriately in the practical and applied aspect.

TTA225 02 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AC306 03 Compulsory TTA232 +

TTA227 02 Compulsory +

TTA228 02 Compulsory TTA223 +

TTA229 02 Compulsory +

AC301 03 Compulsory TTA231 +

TTA321 03 Compulsory +

AC210 03 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AC211 03 Compulsory AC210 +

TTA320 02 Compulsory +

TTA322 03 Compulsory TTA229 +

TTA323 03 Compulsory +

AC221 02 Compulsory +

AC302 03 Compulsory AC301 +

AC307 03 Compulsory AC306 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GL326 02 University requirement +

AC215 03 Compulsory +

TTA324 02 University requirement +

AC220 02 Compulsory +

AC303 03 Compulsory AC302 +

AC308 03 Compulsory AC307 +

TTA325 03 Compulsory +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AC309 03 Compulsory AC308 +

AC304 03 Compulsory AC303 +

AC312 03 Compulsory +

TTA326 03 Compulsory +

TTA421 03 General +

AC216 03 General +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TTA421 03 Compulsory +

TTA426 03 Compulsory TTA325 TTA326 +

AC217 02 Compulsory +

AC218 03 Compulsory +

AC313 03 Compulsory +

AC314 03 Compulsory +

CL427 03 General +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CL498 03 Elective +

TTA422 03 Compulsory +

CL499 04 Compulsory +