مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية- قسم اللغة الإنجليزية-كلية اللغات. للباحثة: ابتسام فتحي احمد اقنيجيوة
ستناقش بعون الله تعالى وقدرته غدا الأربعاء الموافق 29-11-2022 رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية والمقدمة من الباحثة : ابتسام فتحي احمد اقنيجيوة
وعنوانها :The Incompatibility between the Libyan EFL teachers’ Beliefs and their Teaching Practice at Primary Schools in Zlitenعدم التوافق بين معتقدات معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية الليبيين كلغة أجنبية وممارساتهم التعليمية في المدارس الابتدائية في زليتن
المشرف: أ.د سالم مدلل محمدلجنة المناقشة:
1-أ. د. سالم مدلل محمد ..... مشرفا مقررا
2-د.فاطمة الشيباني أبو سريويل ..... ممتحنا داخليا
3-د.سهام ساسي عبد الرحمن ..... ممتحنا خارجيا ملخص البحث .ABSTRACT The research attempts to show the incompatibility between the Libyan EFL teachers’ beliefs and their teaching practice at primary schools in Zliten. The main purpose of the research are to investigate the Libyan EFL teachers’ beliefs towards teaching in Zliten, the teachers’ practice in the classroom, and the incompatibility between teachers’ beliefs and their actual practice in the classroom.The study takes a place at three primary schools in Zliten. The target population of the study is the English teachers of the three schools. The study follows a mixed-method research design.The study uses questionnaire, observations, and semi-structured interviews. The triangulation research method is used to raise the validity and reliability of the result. The thesis has theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part attempts to reveal the teachers’ beliefs, the nature of these beliefs, and their formation. There is a presentation of the previous studies about the teachers’ beliefs and their teaching practice in the classroom. The practical part investigates 22 English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ beliefs and the effects of their beliefs on their teaching practice. Data is collected during the first semester of the 2022 year of school. The results of the study reveal that there is an inconsistency between EFL teachers in primary schools in Zliten and their teaching practices in their classroom. Analysis of the findings indicates several factors that shaped the teachers’ beliefs. For instance, the educational background, teaching experience, learning experience, and society. Based on the findings, recommendations for English language teachers are discussed and recommendations for future research are made. The study can be useful for English language teachers who teach English as a foreign language.المكان قاعة مناقشة الرسائل والأطروحات بكلية اللغات عند تمام الساعة 11 صباحا
رقم قرار المناقشة..3414
االشعبة علم اللغة النظري